Achieve Your Esg Goals With Garentii Deposit Alternative
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)efforts are rapidly becoming the norm in residential real estate, and webelieve that growth without inclusivity is not sustainable.
Ecologically sound, energy-efficient, andfinancially accessible housing is becoming more critical not just for investorsand financial institutions but also for renters. Increasing the accessibility,affordability, and convenience of renting is one of the most pressing societalconcerns in real estate today.
Garentii is a solution to costly security cashdeposits that makes renting more financially feasible for tenants whileallowing landlords to satisfy ESG guidelines and remain secured.
Improving Social Mobility
For millions of tenants, renting has become atiresome and extremely costly experience. Increasing rental prices force manytenants to make life-altering choices.
Over 40 million individuals rent their housesin Germany alone. When moving out, a tenant might have up to 6 months of rentheld in security cash deposits between the old and new rental. Additionally,there may be extra relocation expenses or broker's fees added to the priceybill.
This expensive economic burden restricts themobility of renters, potentially preventing them from accessing opportunitiesand climbing the socioeconomic ladder.
With Garentii's alternative to a securitydeposit, landlords provide tenants with more freedom and make renting moreaccessible, all while meeting their ESG objectives and being safeguarded.
By providing tenants with more financiallyviable housing alternatives, landlords positively affect their communities byfacilitating social mobility and accessibility to opportunities.
Stand Out To Investors And Stakeholders
The need for sustainable investments is on therise. Thus it is essential to see sustainability as a comprehensive endeavor.
Garentii assists real estate landlords inintegrating tangible and measurable "Social" criteria (the"S" in ESG) into their properties, which may have a substantialimpact on their entire ESG framework. The greatest advantage is that landlordsdo not need to spend much.
With Garentii, real estate landlordsdistinguish themselves in the eyes of their investors and stakeholders bydemonstrating the implementation of ESG initiatives and the social impact ontheir renters. Picture a real estate firm telling its stakeholders, "Thisyear, we've returned 10 million euros to our tenants' pockets."
Ready To See Garentii In Action?
See how Garentii can help you achieve your ESGobjectives by making renting financially sustainable and accessible.