Tenant screening made easy

Know Your Renter (KYC) is an all-in-one risk management tool for landlords and operators to manage tenant risk effortlessly.

Streamline your tenant screening

Make informed decisions while mitigating risk and gaining efficiencies with Garentii Know Your Renter (KYC).

Save time

Goodbye to manual screening! Focus on what matters.

Reduce risk

See the big picture and detect tenant risk early.

Get insights

Get your tenant Know Your Renter report anytime.

Make decision

Manage better tenant risk across your portfolio.

Garentii Mieterprüfungsprozess mit Identitätsverifikation, Mieterbewertung und Überprüfungsbericht, zeigt Vertrauensaufbau zwischen Vermietern und Mietern

All-in-one screening engine

Automate your tenant screening process and verify tenants remotely, safely and quickly.


Tenant application

Prospective tenants apply to your property.


Tenant verification

Our tool verifies your prospective


Verification report

You receive applicant´s report and decide.

Get a demo - It’s free

Our core services for your challenges


Can your renter pay?

Get credit assessment in real time for your decision making. Without disrupting the customer journey.


Is your renter who they say they are?

Gain clarity about the identity of renter with user-friendly, easy identification tool.

Fraud prevention

Does your renter even want to pay?

Identify fraud patterns and prevent fraud before they begin.

Ein lächelnder Mann mit Brille und dunkler Jacke sitzt an einem Schreibtisch mit einem Laptop, hält eine Tasse und arbeitet in einer gemütlichen, pflanzenreichen Umgebung mit Holzpaletten und verschiedenen Topfpflanzen im Hintergrund.

How Know Your Renter can help you

Fight fraud, verify data and measure risk to approve more quality applications with no second guessing.

Fight fraud

Reveal applicant risk, avoid fake bookings and detect application fraud before it begins.

Eliminate manual review

Automate the time-consuming and error-prone tasks of manual document collection and verification.

Save time and money

Get real-time instant insight in second so you can spend time on what really matters.

Verify identitfy

Automate the identity verification process and ensure the true identity of your applicants in seconds.

Verify credit history

Gain confidence in decision making with relevant creditworthiness and financial insights about applicants.

Boost compliance

Show your stakeholders and investors that you manage tenant risk across your portfolio.

Laptop-Bildschirm mit Garentii-Benutzeroberfläche, die eine Mieterverwaltungs-Übersicht zeigt. Die Benutzeroberfläche enthält eine Tabelle mit Mieterinformationen, Verifizierungsstatus und Navigationsmenü auf der linken Seite.

Boost team productivity and tenant onboarding

Our advanced risk assessment technology platform 
allows you to understand the big picture behind every applications and save you time, thereby accelerating the decision-making process when selecting tenants.

Get a demo - It’s free
Laptop-Bildschirm mit Garentii-Benutzeroberfläche, die eine Mieterverwaltungs-Übersicht zeigt. Die Benutzeroberfläche enthält eine Tabelle mit Mieterinformationen, Verifizierungsstatus und Navigationsmenü auf der linken Seite.
Demo anfordern

Easy and fast integration

We offer multiple integration options to support your team and business needs.

Full API integration

If you want the most automation and flexibility in your workflow, this is for you.

One step link integration

Is your tech time limited ? Quickly get up and running with our customised link.

Garentii API-Integration mit verschiedenen Immobilienmanagementsystemen wie SAP, MRI, Yardi, StarRez und anderen Tools durch API-Schnittstellen

GDPR compliant

Your data belongs to you – we take care of its security.

Certified infrastructure

We source our infrastructure from the data center in Frankfurt am Main according to the highest standards (e.g. ISO 27001 / 27017 Cloud Security, ISO 27018 Cloud Privacy, PCI DSS v3.1).

Security and Encryption

All personal data that is transferred from the Garentii system to a browser is encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security). This ensures a secure connection before data is transferred.


We rely on a redundant and scalable server infrastructure to ensure continuous availability and fast response times.  We ensure quality by testing our applications.

Data sovereignty

We process data within the framework of our contract processing agreement. The regulations are presented transparently in a GDPR-compliant contract processing agreement.

Empowering trust and access to housing

Garentii helps landlords manage risk while making rental housing secure and fair for everyone. Landlords and renters gain transparence, control and trust in the leasing process.

Eine lächelnde Frau mit lockigem Haar und Brille schaut auf ihr Smartphone. Im Hintergrund sieht man ein unscharfes Büroumfeld. Verschiedene Overlay-Textfelder zeigen Informationen wie "Transparenz und Vertrauen", "Annehmen" und "Mieter Screening" mit einem Prüfbericht.