Landlords, we got you covered

Landlords can easily file claims in the Garentii app. We are there for you.

Your deposit is guaranteed

We guarantee your rental deposit on first demand, it´s that simple.


Unpaid rent

Unpaid utilities

Our claim process


File claim

If something happened at the end of the rent contract, you can file a claim online in few clicks.


Tenant notification

Our system notifies your tenant so we keep the process transparent for everyone.


Claim review

Our claim team takes care of everything to quickly resolve your claim.



Landlord receives a payout within 48 hours after the claim has been approved. No paperwork.

File a claim

Already paid a deposit?
We help you get it back

Talk to your landlord and get back your cash deposit with Garentii.

Eine lächelnde Frau mit Headset sitzt in einem Büro und kommuniziert mit einem Kollegen. Sie trägt einen grauen Blazer und eine weiße Rollkragenpullover, während sie einen grünen Stift hält. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Personen und eine Büroumgebung zu sehen.

Landlords, you’re in good hands

Garentii promotes responsibility and fairness among both tenants and landlords. When we say we’re making renting better for everyone, we really mean it.

Our claim guideline
Get my deposit back